ASTERISM - Immersive AI Oracle Simulation


Immersive AI Oracle Simulation




Continuous two days of spiritual simulation, world building and deconstruction, excess, surrender, engagement and future observation.


Asterism is a simulation space for possible worlds: virtual, spiritual, dystopian and embracing. In a black hall, accessed through a preparation lock, an extract of reality is constructed - a complete natural copy of a living surrounding. This setting is interwoven with digital and AI controlled components, which create a space on the border of realities. It investigates the question of how much reduction can be done and still maintain the real - or what are the basic components to construct a spiritual experience. This clash and switching between worlds opens an insight into possible futures of a bio-technical nature in which humans are faced with new conditions. The setting was designed as an immersive experience space to which audience and performers alike were given access for 36 hours.



Kai Lietzke and Christian Frank, Cedric Johanson, Jan von Roth, Julien Petin



Concept, Music, Direction - Alexander Schubert

Choreography - Patricia Carolin Mai

Stage and Costume - Pascal Seibicke

Stage and Nature - Hervé Cherblanc

Stage Construction - Johannes Fried

Light Setup - Joanna Ossolinska

Light Design - Diego Muhr, Lasse Schönfelder

Video - Marc Jungreithmeier

Public Participation - Gloria Höckner

VR Concept - Pedro González Fernández, Tobias Pfeil

VR Development & Design - Leonhard Onken Menke

VR Technical Development - Sebastian Olariu

Text Co-Development - Michael Brailey

Sound Spatialisation - Candid Rütter

Technical Head - Olivier Fauvel

Production - Irene Beraldo



Ines Assoual, Lise Herdam, Julien Kirrmann, Jeanne L’Homer, Jules Rouxel

Singers / Performers

Cédric Dosch, Mathilde Mertz, Clémence Millet, Céline Peran

Percussionists / Performers

Hsin-Hsuan Wu, Yi-Ping Yang, Olivia Martin, Alexandre Esperet, Thibaut Weber, Emil Kuyumcuyan

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