Moving Sound Pictures - Dr. Konstantina Orlandatou


In this project users have the opportunity to interact in a VR environment with paintings of well known artists of the 20th century.

The project is a work in progress.

The goal of this project is to combine visual arts with music in a VR interactive environment where the user has a holistic audio-visual experience. The ultimate goal of the project, which is always evolving, is to create a VR environment where the user can paint by using different techniques (like drip painting) his own objects which can be afterwards used as sonic objects or instruments to make music.

The Abstract Painters

In the first phase of this project paintings by Kandinsky, Lissitzky, Mondrian and Malevich were implemented in a virtual gallery where the user had the chance to "jump" in the paintings and interact with them. Additionally the user had the opportunity to have an implemented audio guide (like in a museum) where information about the artist and the artistic work were provided.


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