CARMEN KLEYKENS VIDAL - Arrels - HfMT Videoteam - HfMT
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- CoPeCo Master 2022
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Arrels Carmen Kleykens Vidal
Suite for cello, voice, animation, fixed media, live electronics & live subtitles
Prelude - No res // Nothing
Allemande - Guerra // War
Courante - Flors // Flowers
Sarabanda - Mort // Death
Minuet I - Memòria // Memory
Minuet II - Col·lectiu // Collective
Gigue - Pedres // Stones
- What does it mean to share ... intimacy?
Something is clear to me that I didn't know before the master:
Sex is not intimacy (don't ask me why) ... (okay, I'm going to say it).
People are constantly getting it wrong by putting a scale of values where 10 is a good fuck and 0 is walking alone on a Tokyo crosswalk. We are not here to judge. But back to the topic:
Sharing intimacy is sharing the truth. Not a light truth, not a loud moan. Not a secret in the ear. It is to share that which we know will have a consequence, repercussion, that we fall on our asses in front of our own and that they look down on us for years.
That's why I've been avoiding it for a long time.
When I started my Master's degree, I acted more on the scales of values. I was afraid that my project would be too "me".
But f*ck it. I want the project to be my truth. Not to lose that adrenaline that runs through me every time I read one of my poems, that I expose myself, that I share myself. A truth that is not comfortable. Not rigid. The water that springs from my inner sea makes it possible for everyone else to drown in it.
And I, today, playing that my gaze is the only thing that can keep you afloat.
And after this cheesy moment...
Light designer & technical team: Victor Ernesto Gutierrez Cuiza
Network & technical team: Alicia Reyes & Lucas Xerxes
Costume design: Loïs Heckendorn
Co-direction: Viola Mignon Bierich
Gràcies to my parents, my sister, my grandmothers, my family, and friends.
Gràcies to the CoPeCo mates, each institution's administrative and pedagogical teams.
Gràcies to every teacher in this crazy adventure and to every friend that these amazing four countries had give me.
Aïtah, Tack, Merci, Danke, Thank you, Gracias, Gràcies for embracing this change of life with me!
And finally...
Gràcies to you, for coming and experiencing Arrels with us.
Carmen Kleykens Vidal (1998) is a multimedia composer, improviser, writer, and performer from Gandia, València. Her work explores text as a media and sound control of the space with a non-traditional approach, using voice and body as the main source of virtual action and political message. Cellist of the Barcelona Modern Ensemble, she has participated as a soloist, ensemble, or composer in festivals such as Sampler, Mixtur, International Composition Course of BME, Tartu Interdisciplinaar, Improtest, Klexoslab, Sound Plasma Festival, Akademie Kontemporär, the festival of theatre El Grecand premiered pieces of Mark André, Demian Luna, Raquel García Tomás or Sofie Meyer among others. She has played with improvisers such as Axel Filip, Paul Pignon, Agustí Fernández, Sergio Castrillón, and Camila Nebbia among others, and given Improvisation masterclasses in the Post-grade of Improvisation of ESMUC, Barcelona. She is currently working on her Master's project under the tutelage of Michele Tadini, Jean Geoffroy, and Greg Beller.