
An opera about nine months in the life of a young woman who decides to give birth to a child as a surrogate mother.
Nine months full of hauntings - of guilt, great promises, remorse and devious hopes.

The combination of new compositional technologies with a stage narrative leads to an artistic challenge and forms the basis of the music in composer Greg Beller's final work. Together with the directors Frieda Lange and Matthias Piro, an opera evening is created that plays with new perspectives both in terms of content and music.



Opera in 5 scenes and an epilogue



  • Ella Hajdu (the woman)

  • Vicente Sampaio (the man)

  • Tina Scherer (the mother)

  • Carmen Callejas (the midwife)


  • Aigerim Seilova (piano)

  • Aleksandr Bukin (cello)

  • Shion Tanaka (violin 1)

  • Jessica Lim (violin 2)

  • Ferec Akbarov (clarinet)

  • Paul Linardatos (guitars)

  • Irini Aravidou (drums)

  • Greg Beller (Electronics)



Forum HfMT Hamburg, Germany

20. Januar 2023

Copyright HfMT Hamburg 2023


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