ALICIA REYES - Specimen nº6: plastiglomerates - HfMT Videoteam - HfMT
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- CoPeCo Master 2024
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ALICIA REYES - Specimen nº6: plastiglomerates
After almost two years of travelling and studying around Europe the students of the Master's program CoPeCo (Contemporary Performance and Composition) are finally in Hamburg and show their works in two different concerts in July.
CoPeCo is a unique international Master's program that unites composition, interpretation, improvisation and new technologies in one. The students, who are composers and performers at the same time, study every semester in another institution around Europe.
Specimen nº6: plastiglomerates Alicia Reyes
for ensemble & plastiglomerates
Specimen nº6: plastiglomerates* is a multimedia play that unfolds its narrative around this recently discovered new mineral. Plastiglomerates are a rock formed by a mixture of sedimentary grains and other natural debris, such as shells or wood, held together by plastic. It has been considered a potential marker of the Anthropocene, an informal Quaternary epoch proposed by some social scientists, ecologists and geologists.
This work invites viewers to take a close look at new and fascinating objects or beings that are a consequence of the impact of human action on the Earth together with natural forces. Plastiglomerates, together with humans, musical instruments, sounds and visual effects, work together in this piece to awaken the poetic memory of the viewers as an inspiration to wonder about these minerals and perhaps other unusual and unknown post-natural elements.
(*)The name is taken from the technical datasheet of the book A BESTIARY OF THE ANTHROPOCENE, an illustrated compilation of hybrid creatures of our time, equally inspired by medieval bestiaries and observations of our damaged planet.
Alicia Reyes: direction & composition
Lucas Xerxes: assistant director
Diego Muhr: light designer
Antonia Janosch: Plastiglomerate creation/collection
Milena Miloradovic: stage designer
Denis Połeć: stage director
Ensemble: Aaron Gochberg (Percussion), Viktória Šinkorová (Guitar), Wilson Tanner Smith (Cello), Janine Jop (Violin)