1. How do I find out about new videos in a series?

There is an automatic notification for each series, which can be called up via the RSS symbol above the list of videos. You can subscribe to this feed in the desired form using podcast-compatible programs (such as iTunes or Juice) or general RSS feed readers. You will then be informed immediately when new videos are posted and, depending on the program used, you can also view the videos directly as a podcast.

2. Is it necessary to register to use the site?

No. At the moment, only the so-called producers have to register. Producers are people who record an event and make it available to others online.

3. What format do the downloaded videos have? Which player can I use to play the videos?

The downloaded presentations are in the common H.264/MPEG-4 format (file extension 'mp4'). All common video players such as VLC-Player or Quicktime can be used for playback.

4. How can I use the downloaded videos?

All video files available on the portal are subject to a specific license, which can be viewed on the media library homepage below the video. As a rule, the videos may not be used commercially or uploaded to other platforms.

5. Are there subtitles for videos?

There are subtitles in German and English for some media. The (automatic) creation and publication is carried out by the person uploading the video.

6. I cannot play a video without problems. What can I do about this?

Please try one or more of the following measures: Use a different browser and/or a different end device, delete the browser cache, deactivate add-ons such as Javascript blockers or ad blockers, update the browser.